Harrisons Law Legal Issues What Happens When The Serial Claimant Becomes A Vexatious Litigant

What Happens When The Serial Claimant Becomes A Vexatious Litigant

There are some folk in this world who are known as seriously litigious.  They will sue anyone, corporation, publisher etc who dares to question their lifestyle choices.   When they have submitted too many trivial and time wasting claims, usually against the same defendants or group of such, it is possible to apply to the courts for an extended civil restraining order or EXCRO against the nuisance individual.  If after receiving noticie of this CRO, the nuisance continues to make claims or bring other applications and legal letters do not deter them, the defendant has the option of applying to the attorney general to ask that they bring in a claim under sec. 42 iof the senior courts act for a civil proceedings order/criminal proceedings order.  Of course the attorney generals office will need to know the nature of the nuisance claimant’s original claim.  But assuming that all checks have been made, we can safely say that a vexatious complanant is someone that persists in making a claim, regardless of its merits, just to be annoying and extract vengance.  It then bcomes unreasonable, without foundation, repetitive, burdensome etc.   Vexatious litigants are entered on a formal register that is available on the government website for all to see.

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